Building Stronger Communities

Core Values: Children, families, and community

One of the most important skills I have built in my career is to listen. As a trustee, I would listen to parents, to our community and to the expert educators in the district.  

I believe that as a trustee, it is crucial to actively listen to all stakeholders involved in the education system. Parents are an integral part of their child’s education journey and their input should be valued and considered when making decisions that will impact their children. Our community also plays a vital role in shaping the educational experience for our students and I am committed to listening to their feedback and concerns.


I am deeply committed to supporting the well-being of our local communities and families. I actively engage with various local charities, offering both hands-on assistance and financial contributions. My unwavering dedication is fueled by a profound passion for philanthropy, driven by the desire to make a significant and lasting impact in the lives of those around me.


I take immense pride in calling The Woodlands my lifelong home. My business is firmly rooted here, with a strong dedication to our community and its future. Through my service on the Board of the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion and active engagement in local charities, I aim to make a meaningful impact.


Conroe ISD is a wonderful district with amazing educators and schools that thrive at every level. I continue to be impressed with the students that the district produces. As a Conroe ISD Board Trustee, my top focus would be to continue the history of excellence that Conroe ISD has established, not only from the perspective of student outcomes, but also as an organization.

Empowering Education Excellence

I have a vested interest in Conroe ISD, having graduated from Oak Ridge High School in 1996.

My mission as a Conroe ISD School Board Trustee is to ensure our district excels through innovative funding solutions, effective educator retention strategies, and responsible financial planning. I am dedicated to maximizing resources, supporting our educators, and managing our $2 billion bond with transparency and excellence. By bridging divisions and fostering collaboration, I aim to unite all stakeholders in our shared goal of delivering exceptional educational outcomes for every student in Conroe ISD.

Please help us continue the fight for our children, our educators, and our community.  We NEED to win this election if we are to preserve our outstanding school district.

Here's how you can you help strengthening students to learn

Election Campaign

Never underestimate your vote’s power! It shapes school policies, safeguards our children, and betters society. Exercise your right to vote – your future hinges on it.


Aligning Priorities: Putting Students and Educators First in CISD

I think as a District, we need to make sure that our priorities are aligned. Our main focus should be the students and educators in CISD.

Some of the biggest challenges facing the district are:

Educator Retention

Educators are leaving the field in droves. The state is not approving increases for educators. A top education only happens with top educators and finding ways to make sure that Conroe ISD retains the best educators is critical for our district.

Responsible Financial Planning

With the recent passage of a nearly $2 billion bond, Conroe ISD has taken a significant step towards addressing infrastructure needs and accommodating growth. I will ensure that this bond is managed with the highest level of financial transparency and excellence, focusing on delivering on our promises to repair, update, and expand our facilities while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

Repairing Division

Effective school boards work collaboratively with the district to foster a partnership based on accountability and transparency. Recent divisions between educators and trustees have hindered our collective progress. I am committed to bridging these gaps and fostering a cooperative environment where all stakeholders work together for the benefit of our 70,000+ students. It's essential that we move past political games and focus on our shared goal of providing a first-class education.

Student Outcomes

Our primary mission is to uphold Conroe ISD’s reputation as one of the best districts in Texas. Every decision we make should be centered on enhancing student success and ensuring that our educational strategies and policies support our students' growth and achievements.

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